

PAC-MAN's 30th Birthday

After what seemed like a never ending drive,
we arrived at Sugar Top at 9:45 last night.

For some unknown reason, my bladder decided that it wanted to be so overactive yesterday that we had to stop literally every hour, pretty much on the hour.

It could have been the giant can of green tea I had for breakfast.
If so, I will never drink green tea near, in, or around a car again.

We packed sandwiches and some snacks.
As Debbie would say "we were responsible adults".

We had Chinese for dinner. We weren't impressed.
The place by our house is far more superior in taste and presentation.

I'm not sure what the day holds. It's a little chilly.

We're going to go down the mountain to get some groceries and go eat breakfast/lunch.
I am foreseeing one of the laziest days we've had in a while. It's super gloomy out.
Is that good thing? I haven't decided yet.

Ruben has some school work to keep himself occupied.
I would have crocheting, if I didn't leave it in Florida.
However, I think my mom is bringing it.

I talked to her this morning.
She said they (her, my dad, and Pete) should be arriving around or a little before 6pm.
I promised I would have all the necessary ingredients for delicious burritos ready and waiting for them to thoroughly enjoy upon arrival.

I can't let them down.
Who am I kidding? I love Mexican food.
I would mostly be letting myself down if I didn't follow through.
I might take some pictures.

Let me know if pictures are something I should continue to add in future posts.

Happy 30th Birthday, PAC- MAN.


  1. the burritos that were dressed up as tacos (with flat feet) tasted like they came straight from Tenochtitlan and prepared by the great QuetzalCoatl himself. i mean amazingly delicious...

  2. burritos in Vietnam are not even a little impressive. Can't wait to have some of yours. And also, I love photos, so keep them up.
